Amazon has patented the service for amateur gardeners that uses artificial intelligence

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Amazon has patented the program for amateur gardeners that uses artificial intelligence

Source: AGRONEWS All news of the source

Amazon has patented the program for amateur gardeners that uses artificial intelligence

Amazon intends to train people how to grow vegetables effectively. The company has created special service with artificial intelligence which analyzes photos of the land and gives advice on cultivation of vegetables and fruit.

Set of algorithms of the program can help with land planning: the program recommends where is it better to plant tomatoes and where to plant potatoes, what plants should be placed nearby. Also the service reports what equipment is necessary. Besides, this help service can explain how is it correct to use tools and can even teach how to prepare different dishes from your harvest.

The system uses algorithms which recognize images and GPS signals by means of which the consultant establishes geographical location of the user and objects grown on the land. For example, if the program finds a high tree, it will suggest to plant something which does not need direct sunshine.

Topics: New on the market, Vegetables, Research and development


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