Contact Information
European Agricultural Agency OÜ is the publisher and the owner of the Portal. The address of the central office is Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Staadioni tn 1-36, 10132, Estonia.
Assistance on general issuesTraining materials, video instructions and support requests
Assistance on advertising issues Contacts for communication with PR-representative of the company. contact> |
Assistance on purchase Services issues contact> |
Assistance on technical support of users contact> |
To return payments and complaints about non-delivered paid services. contact> |
For complaints about content, goods not available, price mismatch and other shortcomings. contact> |
For billing and payment. |
You can also use the feedback form to contact administration of the Portal.
Use English or Russian to contact us, but if you write us in other languages we will try to understand you:).