Emission of greenhouse gases may change rice nutritional value. Rice is one of the main products for millions of people worldwide.

American experts have found out that during rice cultivation in the atmosphere with high carbon dioxide content, the amount of major vitamins and minerals decreases in grain. According to them such level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be observed by 2100. Changes in the atmosphere can considerably affect not only rice nutritional value, but also other crops.
Within the research scientists have analyzed structure of 18 rice varieties which were grown in Japan and China with high content of greenhouse gases in the open air. It turned out that the content of B2, B5 and B9 vitamins in grain has decreased on average by 30%. Also protein, Fe and Zn content has decreased.
Decrease in rice nutritional value can become a global problem as 25% of all calories which are daily consumed by people all over the world come from rice.