The official presentation of a new variety of Spring Sunshine tangerine which fruits are much more sugary took place in Valencia.

Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) of Israel was engaged in development of a new variety. Spring Sunshine was created as a result of radiation of Murcott tangerines that led to an induced mutation of plants, FreshPlaza reads.
Brix ranges (the sucrose relation to liquid in which it is dissolved) the sugar content in Spring Sunshine tangerines from 15 to 17 that makes it one of the most sweet citrus in the world. Fruits differ big in juiciness (more than 50%), rich taste, very bright color and smaller seeds, than in tangerines of a parental variety. First of all the novelty is thought to be consumed by real gourmets.

More than 2000 hectares of mandarin trees of this Spring Sunshine variety already were planted in Australia, Israel, South Africa and Peru. In Spain the maximal limit of such trees is about 700 000 . Productivity of a new variety ranges from 400–500 centners per hectare.
However in order to have the right to grow a new variety of tangerine producers should obtain an official license. It will be necessary to pay 12 Euros for a tree till August 31 and 20 Euros should be paid from September to December. Since January 1, 2019 the owner of the variety will start claiming against producers which grow Spring Sunshine without license.