Digital technologies and automation of all processes become more valuable in agriculture. Smart management systems allow optimizing documentation, logistics, regulation and machines control. The innovative developments in the field of precision farming are presented at the exibition Agritechnica 2017 in Hanover .They clearly demonstrate the future of agricultural technologies.
Continental company: Potential precision farming will grow
According to the representatives of the company, the farm vehicles which since 2025 are completely automated will become more common in fields. Future farmer should not spend 15 hours a day in the field during harvesting any more. Instead of it the farmer will be able to control all processes remotely. The farm of the future will look like a modern technological center" — the member of executive council of Continental Hans-Jurgen Duensing explains.
The market of precise farming by 2020 will grow approximately by 12% and will approach 4,5 billion euros. Because of huge areas of the processed lands and high technological standards in North America and Europe will become the most fast-growing market.
MARS — Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms, AGCO GmbH
For creation of Fendt MARS system the technology "swarm" was used. Instead of one big machine several small, self-contained pilotless electric units are engaged in corn sowing. By the way, the company first presented such decision at the market. Robots function without light and almost do not create noise that gives the chance to use devices round the clock near houses.
Video and controlled preparation of a seed bed, Pöttinger Landtechnik GmbH joint development with New Holland Agriculture
This technology allows to take picture of the soil by means of the camera and to measure the degree of its roughness in real time. After the analysis of the received images the system regulates the speed of the tractor and turnovers of VOM of a harrow for necessary status of the surface achievement.
The controlling system of sections of a plow for optimization of results of plowing which is based on GPS, KUHN Maschinen-Vertrieb GmbH
The electrohydraulic system manages plow case provision according to GPS positioning data.The technology allows creating absolutely direct circuit of section along field borders instead of a standard Z-circuit that facilitates the subsequent actions, such as plowing, sowing, application of fertilizers.
COUNTER SX, Pöttinger PÖTPRO Guide Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH joint development with Pöttinger Landtechnik GmbH
The system uses three-dimensional sensors, an innovative radio technology of Sigfox and GPS signals for expansion of the functionality reached by application of Bluetooth indicators. It is convenient and inexpensive option for implementation of smart agriculture on farmsusing analog equipment.
Farmdok — automation of agrarian information by means of smartphones, Farmdok GmbH
The software product for mobile and automatic documentation of information by means of the smartphone or the tablet directly in the field. Innovative development allows to automate data collection.
Exponents of Agritechnica 2017 present technologies of precision farming