New winter wheat varieties blossom 14 days earlier

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New winter wheat varieties blossom 14 days earlier

New winter wheat varieties blossom 14 days earlier

Scientists from University of Gottingen announced that change of germination terms and blossoming phase are influenced not only by global warming. It is also dependant on features of new varieties and hybrids. They found out that winter wheat blossoms now for about 14 days earlier than it was 60 years ago.

Scientists summed up the results of their observations of winter wheat during 1952-2013. Nearly 5000 farms took part in that research in Germany. Besides that scientists for two years where growing and comparing most popular varieties of winter wheat cultivated in Germany.

It turned out that modern winter wheat varieties demand 14-18% less heat for sprouts emergence and following blossom than varieties from the middle of the last century.

Researchers assume that such difference in vegetation stages can be dependent on climate change and breeding features. Therefore now they overestimate impact of global warming on winter wheat cultivation.



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