What similarities are there between agricultural industry in Belarus and the Netherlands? Agricultural Counselor from the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Russian Federation Meeuwes Brouwer shared his opinion about potatoes and pepper, demo-fields and legal base.
LLC SKARB-bio and LLC European Agricultural Agency are in close partnership with Dutch agricultural companies. Soon Skarb-Lab laboratory will be launched— a joint project with Eurofins Agro. It is going to be a significant step in cooperation of Belarus and the Netherlands. It is the first laboratory in Belarus which will allow Belarusian landowners conducting spectral analysis of rough forages for more than 40 parameters , in fact digestibility and nutritional value 6depend on them. Also "Skarb -bio" is a supplier of Barenbrug and DLF brands to Belarusian market. European Agricultural Agency suggests to adopt experience in the field of genetics and supplies farmers with sperm of highly productive bulls from CRV.

How to develop and strengthen cooperation between two countries was discussed with mr. Meeuwes Brouwer during his visit to "Skarb -bio" After the meeting the diplomat answered several questions for AGRONEWS portal.
— You are visiting Belarus for the second time. What is your opinion about Belarusian agriculture?
— First of all, I am very impressed. Agricultural industries of our countries are really similar: both Belarus, and the Netherlands are not only producers, but also exporters of agricultural products, dairy products in particular. Both countries try to develop agricultural industry. However good genetic material and innovative technologies, for example, modern agricultural machinery and good greenhouses is necessary for you for further growth. Also it is worth adopting foreign practical experience: how to grow crops more effectively — with smaller costs and higher productivity. I believe that Belarus and the Netherlands shall cooperate in this area.
— What experience of Dutch cattle and plant breeders, in your opinion, should be adopted by Belarusian landowners?
— If to speak about the directions of possible cooperation, then I can allocate three main areas. First, horticulture, in particular, cultivation of potatoes and vegetables which are grown in greenhouses. The second direction is dairy sector, the third is poultry farming. It is a win-win situation for cooperation.
My purpose as an agricultural counselor is to promote improvement of raw milk quality, animals’ fodder and make the conditions animals live in better, prevent diseases. The Netherlands has succeeded in it, and you should adopt experience of our country. If to speak about cultivation of vegetables, you need to use more high-quality vegetable seeds and modern technologies to set appropriate climate-control in greenhouses. Nevertheless, training of farmers and agricultural producers is important.
---As for Dutch seed varieties, are they suitable for cultivation in Belarusian climate?
— It is a very good question. I am confident that all companies that produce seeds have a lot of experience in their cultivation in various climatic conditions worldwide: in Asia, South America, the USA. These companies have demo-fields where they check how do these varieties grow on various soils and in different climatic conditions. I would also like to add that seeds producers always listen what do their clients want. It is about even such parameters as pepper color and cucumber length.
— In what do Dutch farmers and plant breeders differ from their Belarusian colleagues?
— It is difficult for me to compare, however the quality of products which are grown differs very much.I think, Belarusian breeders could cooperate with Dutch and jointly create new plant varieties. Also I would advise your Ministry of Agriculture to import more seeds with higher productivity. Besides, you need the adequate legal base if to speak about varieties registration. Conditions of registration and seeds import, in particular, potatoes, should be more transparent, and the government should be more supportive in it.