The farmer Jan Breeuwsma has more than 20 years’ experience in the Netherlands, and in the last two years actively visits Belarusian agricultural enterprises and advises cattle breeders. He told AGRONEWS portal about features of agrarian business in the Netherlands and shared his opinion on Belarusian agricultural industry.

"One person can manage a farm"
— Mister Breeuwsma, tell, please, about yourself and your farm.
— My farm occupies 120 hectares, on the farm there are 250 cows, we also use four robots. We don’t have such big farms as in your country. Now my son manages the farm and I am engaged in consultation more.
For the first time I arrived to Belarus seven years ago, from the first I liked people and Belarusian hospitality very much. In the last two years I visited many farms in your country, met agricultural producers, got acquainted with representatives of Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production. Now I look for a Belarusian project in which I will be able to apply my knowledge and experience. I am ready to act as the manager on an agricultural enterprise, a consultant, even as an investor.
— How did work on your farm after installation of robots change?
— First, it became much simplier to work. By means of the robotic Lely equipment one person can manage a farm. It is important because in the Netherlands it is very expensive to hire farm workers. Now my son is engaged in the farm, he hires the assistant only for the period when he is away.
One more benefit is that cows can be milked more often than three times a day. Milk yield grew: each cow gives more than 10 thousand liters of milk a year. However there is also a disadvantage — after installation of robots costs for the electric power have increased.
— Where do you sell milk?
—All milk goes to Campina plant - it is one of the largest milk-processing companies in the Netherlands. Now we hand over raw materials at the price of 45 Euro cents/liter. It is a very good price: a year ago we received 30 Euro cents. Cost value of milk, depends on expenditure for forages, around 21-25 Euro cents.
Farmers in the Netherlands choose to what plant they will sell raw material. It differs from Belarus where agricultural producers are obliged to bring milk to the specific dairy plants. It is not really profitable sometimes.

Way to grand milk
—What are, in your opinion, the main problems of Belarusian livestock production?
— First of all, you have a problem with yields of milk. If in the Netherlands on average it is received 30-35 liters of milk from a cow, then in Belarus on some farms you only have 8 liters. Yes, there are farms which have 25 liters a day, but it is rather an exception.
Also in Belarus you have began to use robots too early. Your livestock production isn't ready for such technologies yet, Belarusian cows do not give too much milk. I consider that Belarus needs to develop dairy livestock production for 10-15 more years to start using robots. Now such equipment on many farms stands idle. And the means spent on robots could be spent to purchase good milking systems.
Besides, many Belarusian agricultural enterprises lack in good managers. People are conservative and aren't always ready to listen to recommendations, to adopt international experience. During the visit people asked me to constitute the business plan more than once. In most cases I said that here you do not need the business plan, but the step-by-step instruction: how to treat cows in time, how to provide them with necessary sterns, how to buy high-quality bulls ‘sperm. In case of good feed and life conditions the majority of Belarusian cows can give 25 liters of milk.
— To what mistakes in feeding of cows did you pay attention during your visit?
— You cut the grass for forage less times than Dutches do, as a result it grows too high. If to mow grass earlier, there will be more protein in them.On those farms where I was, animals were given a lot of ALFA-ALFA, however too damp grass was sometimes used. It needs to be dried well before giving to cows.
Also you use too much corn in sterns. I can't estimate its quality and nutritiousness as I don't know all conditions of its cultivation, for example, how much manure was applied on fields. However it costs.
On the farm I don't use corn to feed my cows, there are cheaper alternatives. For example, a beer pellet which is done of brewing waste. It gives a lot of energy and increases milk production. Also we use soy in sterns.
—What do you think about Belarusian variety of cows – black and white cows?
— At BELAGRO exhibition I paid attention to excellent cows. But when I visited Belarusian farms a few years ago, I saw very strange animals. In the Netherlands such variety was present 40 years ago: very low and fat. But on some farms you can see really beautiful cows.
30-40 years ago the Dutch farmers also bred black-and-white cows. They gave about 4000 liters of milk a year. Today thanks to long-term improvement of breed we grow up tall and strong cows which can give up to 60-70 liters of milk a day.
For my farm I bought sperm of the best American and Canadian bulls from the market leader — the Dutch company CRV. We used material from a bull of Sunny Boy (a golshtinsky bull,who during his life made a record amount of sperm — nearly 2,2 million doses. Its statue is established in CRV headquarter). Now the breed of our cows is so improved that we have the excellent manufacturing bulls therefore we don't buy material in other countries.

Rugs, mattresses, manicure
— Do you have problems with mastitis? How do you cope with them?
— Problems with mastitis there are on any farm, because of climate in our country the probability of their origin is higher. Also it is influenced by quality of feed and cows’ bedding. Timely the robotic equipment helps to reveal sick animals, but we also carefully track the first signs of diseases. The government of our country doesn't approve to use antibiotics. In complex cases the veterinarian can appoint antibiotics to treat a cow, however then it’s milk can't be processed within three weeks.
— What options for cow beddings do you prefer?
— The best option is sand, however it can damage robotic equipment. We have water mattresses — pillows with water on which cows can lie.
— What methods will you recommend to prevent cow diseases?
— We use rubber rugs and often we do cows "manicure" — we cut hoofs. Also it is important how do you feed animals — if you give bad feed to animals, then in general they will have health problems.
— Mister Breeuwsma, last question. Whether you have tasted Belarusian dairy products, for example, the Dutch cheese made by us?
— In Russia and Ukraine I always have heard the opinion that Belarusian dairy products are very high in quality. When I arrived here, I was convinced in it. They are good, but not like in Holland. This is a matter of taste. This morning for breakfast I ate Belarusian cheese sandwiches, and also my friend who has married a Belarusian, always takes cheese with him when flies from Belarus to the Netherlands.